

Advantages and Disadvantages of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor

A stepper motor is an electro-mechanical device that actuates a train of step movements of a shaft in response to a train of input pulses. The step movement may be angular or linear. The step movement of the motor is according to the input pulse. The performance of a stepper motor — both in terms of resolution (or step size), speed, and torque — is influenced by construction details, which at the same time may also affect how the motor can be controlled. As a matter of fact, not all stepper motors have the same internal structure (or construction), as there are different rotor and stator configurations. Advantages and Disadvantages of Stepper Motor The advantages of a permanent magnet stepper motor are It is compact and small in size, which makes it useful in many applications Due to the absence of any external excitation, the losses are less Due to the absence of any external excitation, the maintenance is less. It can be connected to the external circuit, to control the speed of the...

High Temperature Stepper Motor Frame size selection

Generally speaking, high temperature resistant motors are defined by their insulation class. The field of stepper motors usually involves six insulation classes. High temp stepper motors have special requirements for materials due to their use in high temperature situations, including enameled wire, skeleton, magnets, bearings, grease, end caps, etc., especially varnished wire, skeleton and magnets. High temperature motorsfrom oyostepper.com are rated to operate in ambient temperatures between 50 degrees C and -20 degrees C. While this satisfies the majority of uses, there are certain applications that require the motor to operate at higher or lower temperature ranges than what standard motors allow for. Unfortunately, operating standard motors anywhere outside these temperature ranges will result in poor performance. High Temperature Stepper Motor Frame size selection: High Temperature Stepper Motors are typically made in groups or families, the families are identified by the outer d...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Servo Motor

 The servo motor is an electric motor that allows continuous determination of exact positions, speeds, and torque using control electronics (servo controller). The software interface allows for precise parameterization and programming of the motor's actuation, giving it dynamism as well as individuality. Although servo motors can be small and powerful, they are essential for precise positioning control applications. A signal (data), also known as a pulse width modulator (PWM), controls the servo motor. These are some of the most common servomotor applications. Construction of Servo Motor This motor is a closed-loop mechanism that incorporates positional feedback in order to control the rotational or linear speed and position. This motor is actually an assembly of four things: Normal DC motor- That is in charge of generating the motion through its shaft. Gear reduction unit/gear box Potentiometer Control circuit; Advantages of Servo Motor If a heavy load plac...

How to Choose the Right Pancake Stepper Motors for Your Needs

A step motor is a type of electric motor that uses a series of electrical pulses to move the rotor. The rotating rotor causes a linear actuator, which produces motion in one direction. The pancake stepper motor is a type of step motor that has the capability to rotate continuously in both directions without any need for periodic rotary encoder. It is also known as the "pancake" stepper because it resembles a pancake, with its flat shape and circular cross-section. This article discusses how this type of step motors work and their applications in industrial machinery such as 3D printers, CNC machines, and robotics. What Makes the Pancake Stepping Motor Different From Others? The pancake stepping motor is a type of electric generator that uses an electromagnet to produce electricity. It is also known as the pancake motor because it looks like a pancake when it is folded in half. It has been around since the 1970s, but it saw a surge in popularity after the Fuk...

How to Choose and integrate a medical device with stepper motor

Recently almost every medical device I design requires a stepper motor. After working with these motors so frequently, I’d like to share what I’ve learned about medical device stepper motors, the different types of stepper motor configurations, and how to drive stepper motors properly. Stepper Motor Drive Configurations Stepper motors  typically come in two motor winding configurations. Before selecting which configuration is appropriate for your application, you should understand the basic difference between the two. This choice will be important when selecting how to drive the motor. Pro Tip: You can use a unipolar motor as a bipolar motor if you ignore the center tap. This can come in handy if a particular design of motor is only available in a unipolar configuration. Stepper Motor Drive Signals Typically three types of drive signals are used to control the motion of a stepper motor. Each drive type increases in complexity, but adds additional features and options. A ...

3 Types of Linear Stepper Motors You Should Know

Types of Stepper Motors Primarily, there are three broad categories of stepper motors — variable reluctance, permanent magnet, and hybrid. However, we would focus on linear stepper motors, and they are normally of the hybrid type. Linear Stepper Motors Various types of linear actuator stepper motors have been devised by stepper motor manufacturers over the last few years mainly based on requirements such as fitment in compact spaces and more. To further categorize, linear stepper motors are the primary type, and their sub types have mainly evolved from this one. Here are a few types of linear stepper motors: Linear Stepper Motors: These stepper motors with linear motion are open-loop systems with a base and a slider. They provide high speeds and resolutions. The sliders are also called forcers which contain a permanent magnet, teeth, and motor windings. To balance the air gap, bearings are used in these motors because a magnetic attraction is created between the bas...

Knowledge on stepper motors handle inertia mismatching

Inertia mismatch is the difference between the inertia of the system and inertia of the stepper motor. A large inertia mismatch is usually best avoided for machines run by stepper motors ( nema 17 gearbox or nema 23 planetary gearbox ). One, the stepper motor itself has inertia it must overcome, in addition to the inertia of the system it drives. Two, friction further affects inertia, and three, having too much torque from an oversized stepper motor poses its own set of problems. Inertia mismatch greatly affects how stepper motors operate. The motors cannot accelerate and decelerate rapidly with an extreme inertia mismatch. If they have sufficient torque, but an inertia mismatch is present, the load may not start or stop at the proper time or place. At its most extreme, inertia mismatch can cause skipped steps or non-functioning stepper motors … along with noise, vibration, and heat. There are a few ways to handle inertia mismatch. One is simply to size and match motor and loa...